
Adjacent to the McLean Game Refuge on the north and Town Open Space on the east and south. Enter the white blazed trail from the cul-de-sac at the end of North Saddle Ridge Road. These trails are a continuation of the West Mountain Trails and can also be accessed from the 60 Westledge trails. Please note there is no trail access to McLean Game Refuge from these trails.
2 miles of blazed trails.
Moderate to difficult, uneven rocky footing.
Simsbury Land Trust’s remarkably wild and tranquil Cathles property covers 47 acres. The white trail heads steeply north past a striking waterfall on town property to connect the blue and red trails. Two streams originate just above the waterfall. One stream drains south toward the Simsbury Reservoir becoming Hop Brook and the other cuts east through the ridge at the waterfall becoming Bissell Brook. The blue trail goes north along a fault line through a “hidden valley” ending at the boundary of the McLean Game Refuge. The red trail runs north-south along the eastern ridgeline. Multiple vistas offer beautiful views of West Simsbury and beyond. Note the stunted growth of the cedar trees and other vegetation along the ridgetop, the result of marginal soil and winter wind. From the fault to the ridge the trail passes through several different habitat zones typical of traprock ridges.
Cathels Preserve also features a charcoal hearth interpretive site marked with green blazes on the white trail between the two bridges. We encourage visitors to walk the site and read the signs on the site created by Eagle Scout, Daniel Breton. We have provided a link to the signs here for those who may not be able to visit the site in person.